Moving to a new city can be daunting; even more so if you don't know anybody there. But rest assured, meeting new people isn't as hard as it seems. Here are a variety of ways to give yourself more opportunities to socialize and hopefully even make a few good friends in the process.


  1. Introduce yourself to neighbours

Upon arrival in your new city, it's best to introduce yourself to all of your neighbors as soon as possible. You may run into them quite frequently so in order to avoid those awkward glances and quick "hellos", you're better off being meeting them early. Even if you don't happen to hit it off, they can still become of valuable assistance to you if you ever need to borrow something or are looking for some information on the area.


Two men discussing outside with a laptop


  1. Connect with classmates/coworkers

Whether you are in school or you go to work every day, these sites are perfect for meeting new people. You all spend most of your day doing the same things which already gives you a common trait, but try sparking a conversation about something other than the work that's in front of you in order to see if you have other common interests.


Woman talking during a group discussion


  1. Community events

A great place to meet new people is at community events happening either in your neighborhood or in your apartment building. The purpose of these occasions automatically gives you something that you can use to strike up a conversation with some new potential friends living in your area.

4 volunteers posing for a photo during a sunset


  1. Volunteering

Most cities typically have loads of charitable organization and these provide you the unique opportunity to do good for your community and also for your social life. Volunteering generally provides a lot of time to chat amongst yourselves and you're bound to meet all sorts of really great people.


Group of people around a table playing card games


  1. Joining clubs/classes/teams etc.

We don't suggest joining in something you have no interest simply to meet people. In doing so, it'll be harder to socialize because you probably won't be having a good time and it'll show. Use an activity or hobby that you care for and find a situation where you're able to do it with like-minded individuals. This way, meeting new people won't be your primary focus, which in turn, will make bonding with others come far more naturally.


Two men having a conversation in a coffee shop


  1. Open up to conversation

Perhaps one of the biggest keys to meeting new people is simply opening yourself up to talk to anyone with whom you may cross paths. Good conversation can arise in the places where we'd expect it the least so don't shy away from chatting with strangers because you never know where you'll meet your new best friends.



by Avenue Living Communities